
AI Merchandising

Merchandising, Inventory & Product Insights powered by AI

From a single picture, Identify all products on the shelves and count them. Add custom insights for your use case like share of shelve… to get powerful business insights.

What you’ll gain from using our solution



Our Solution hugely reduces time for counting products by more than 100 times. From manually counting hundreds of products to taking a single picture.



Counting hundreds of products leaves space for errors which could become very costly. By using our solution, you guarantee a precise and automated result.


Easy Setup

Unlike competitors who need hundreds of pictures from shelves for setup , we only need two 360° videos of your product you could take from anywhere.

Our Features

Recognize products present on the shelves

Count how many products are present on the shelve

Generate custom insights about your product

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Pépinière d’entreprises Sfax Innovation Sfax 1
Route de la soukra km 4
Cité El Habib